Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The final send off to an empty nest

I was debating for a while whether or not to write this chapter. 

When my child graduated high school, they decided to live with their father. After discussing the possibilities with them, they were determined that their father would provide for all of their needs better than my husband and I would. 

Despite our fair warning, a year has passed. They sent us an updated notification of their well-being. They are currently living with their paternal grandmother. They dropped out of the last semester due to lack of funds. They have found a retail job to keep up with their financial responsibilities. 

Even though we opened our door to them, they decided it would be difficult to adhere to the house rules. To be honest, it hasn't changed since the day they were born.
House rule #1 Respect each household member's property, personal boundaries and privacy. 

House rule #2 Take responsibility in what you say and do. Mistakes happen. Learn from it.

House rule #3 Communicate with all household members especially when crisis occur. Having an open channel of communication builds trust, integrity and support within the household to become healthy and successful. 

House rule #4 Sit still and remain calm in a state of chaos. If you're angry, take a walk. If you're hurt, say something. If you're afraid, ring the desk bell or call for help. If there's an emergency, dial 911. 

House rule #5 Return all things where they belong. If any items become dirty, wash them and then return it to its original location. 

House rule #6 Keep all the rooms neat and tidy. All refuse and trash should be removed at the end of the day or when the trash bins are full.

House rule #7 Do not abuse or vandalize the household furnishings or utilities. Dining tables are not couches. Couches are not trash bins. Turn/Switch off the lights when not in use. Fill up the water reservoir when the water level is half full. 

House rule #8 When in doubt, ask questions. Never assume.

Andreas and I tried to keep it as simple as we can. Andreas did most of the discipline. I was too authoritarian for Ananda. 

Ananda also updated us on their new identity. His new name is Ash. Since I couldn't get them to explain why they chose that name, I renewed their name to Ashkenaz. I'm glad they like it. I gave them the middle name I had planned to give to the baby I would have if they were born a male child. They liked it too. 

I wished them well in their future endeavor. I hope all things will work out for the best in their favor. 

I am actually surprised that I am enjoying my role as a sage. I rarely get a call or requests for visits. I do miss them from time to time. 

Above all else, I am very proud of them.

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