Monday, June 3, 2013

The violent streak

It hasn't been a year yet, but considering the fact that this incident has only happened once, I'll have to let this one go. Nevertheless, she should have known better than to hit another student with a water bottle right on the noggin.
The most disconcerting thing is, her reason for doing so. The student who allegedly offended her, had made rude comments about my drawing.
I had to explain to her that this particular drawing was just a rough sketch. Most rough sketches are going to look crappy. Most artist know this. My husband did most of the talking because my daughter believes that my art sketches are immaculate. As much as I love my daughter, I couldn't bring myself to shatter her emulation of becoming an artist like me.
The only thing that I recall when I was younger, was when a boy had overstepped his boundaries after several warnings. He was 12; I was 10. The incident happened at a Christian family's home. The adults were in the living room having their Bible study, while the children were in another room, supervised by two young adults. So, this boy started to haress my sister. Considering the elder sister I had to be, I butted in. I must have provoked his pride because he started insulting how stupid and weak girls were. With that being said, I asked him how he got to that conclusion. He based it off of his experience with his younger sister. I told him not all girls are the same. By this time, my sister told me to leave the argument. So, I told him to leave my sister alone; otherwise face the consequences. He laughed and boasted to his friends that empty threats are what girls are good at. I told him to stop where he's at and to leave me be otherwise I would have to make him pay.</p> I left with my sister to the other side of the room, but was confronted with a discerning question as to why I even bothered with the boy. I told her it was my duty to save my angel. She frowned and begged me to stop calling her that. Just when I thought the situation was over and done with, the boy returned by asking me how I would make him pay if he didn't leave me alone.
"Don't," my sister exclaimed.
"I will beat you on the head," I retorted back to the boy and walked away towards center of the room.
"Just ignore him," my sister urged.
"You don't think I'm not?" I asked in great irritation since the boy kept following us whilst throwing insults and taunts. Whatever happened to the two young adults was beyond me. All I knew then, was this boy would not stop until I did something. I yelled at him to leave me alone. He laughed and jeered, "Now you sound like my stupid little sister."
Aggravated, by what he said, I grabbed him by the collar and pushed him. "Last warning! Leave me alone. You should be old enough to know better." He laughed and walked towards his friend who was now sitting by the wall where the air conditioner was located. He shouted back at me, "See, I told him you were too stupid to do anything."
I was infuriated. I ran towards him, pushed him against the wall, grabbed him by collar and shook him vigorously over again against the wall. My sister screamed, "Stop! He's bleeding!"
I stopped. Sure enough, this 12-year old boy was crying and bleeding. As for me, I was shaking in my bones and trying to make sense of what had happened. It didn't occur to me at that time, but it was to a point in my life, I realized what anger actually was.
If my sister hadn't stop me, he would have died from brain hemorrhage. He had to get 35 stitches on his head. That fact alone, was enough to traumatize a 10 year old. At least, he stopped pestering his little sister. He definitely learned more than a good lesson. He never bothered me again.
If my genetics were the root of the violent streak, sure I'll buy the stereotype. I've always tried to be pleasant with everyone I meet as much as possible. Whatever she was feeling at that time, may have been justified. Nevertheless, she has been lectured many times before about appropriate behavior when it comes to being bullied, insulted or pressured into something that would lead her into trouble. We constantly remind her that she's in the age now where the government can lock her away as a juvenile delinquent. Whatever notion she has in her mind, she needs to realize that testing that very boundary would be a very bad idea.

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